Ministry Leadership
A word from the Executive Director:
Teresa Moore
"When pursuing God for a word for this ministry we sensed "You are more than food and financial provision - you are to be a light on the hill."
We purposefully pray with people, go above and beyond for them as we are able to and attempt to KNOW our families. I believe that where we fail to truly love people, we will fail to have influence. We hope to help lives be transformed so that they can transform their community, igniting individuals to live their most abundant life possible."
I also believe that excellence honors God and inspires people, so I pray that we are inspiring many people to love well and bring God glory through all that we do.

Teresa Moore
Marie Campbell
Marie manages the food pantry and oversees their large team of volunteers! If you want to get involved, she is the one to contact. She is "sunshine on any rainy day" and a gift to this ministry.

Chelsea Gruetzner
Development Director
Chelsea helps us organize systems and data and is helping us to streamline and innovate our processes to better serve our families. She is excited to use her skills to honor the Lord!

Scott Phillips
Financial Assistance Coordinator
Scott comes to with years of pastoral experience overseeing medical missions. He has a heart to serve and is integral in overseeing the Financial Assistance team and helping us to dig deeper into our client's situations and go farther in our efforts to assist them.

Advisory Council
Meet our amazing support team!
Standing-Left to right: John Vann, Sarin Abati, Nick Hartmann, Teresa Moore, Ann Hughes and Mark Kirchner.
Missing from photo: Phillip Hall