Thrift Store:
Come Visit Us!
Tues/Thurs/Sat 9 AM - 4 PM
Come by and check out our new Thrift Store that features Women's, Children's, and Men's clothing as well as Household items and Furniture! Through this space we will not only provide for our families in crisis, but proceeds from sales to the public will sustain our mission to provide financial assistance and groceries to those that come to us in a hard financial season.
Donations are accepted Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays
from 9 AM to 4 PM
Mattresses and/or Box Springs
Batteries of any kind
CRT Monitors/Tube TVs
Baby Furniture
Construction Material
Refrigerators/Water Heaters
Tires/Rims/Auto Parts​​

The Boutique:
all NEW items!
In addition to our Thrift Store, we are excited to open a special Boutique to offer NEW, name brand, and/or upscale items!